Source code for rui.rui

# !/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta
from uuid import uuid1
from hashlib import md5
from .exceptions import (DuplicateEntityError, DuplicateSystemError,
                         UnmanagedEntityError, UnmanagedSystemError,
                         NonUniqueTagError, DeadEntityError)

[docs]class World(object): ''' A World holds all entities, groups, and systems ''' def __init__(self, delta=1): self._delta = delta self._entities = list() self._systems = list() self._groups = dict()
[docs] def add_entity(self, entity, second=False): ''' Add entity to world. entity is of type Entity ''' if not entity in self._entities: if second: self._entities.append(entity) else: entity.set_world(self) else: raise DuplicateEntityError(entity)
[docs] def add_entities(self, *entities): ''' Add multiple entities to world All members of entities are of type Entity ''' for entity in entities: self.add_entity(entity)
[docs] def add_system(self, system): ''' Add system to the world. All systems will be processed on World.process() system is of type System ''' if system not in self._systems: system.set_world(self) self._systems.append(system) else: raise DuplicateSystemError(system)
[docs] def register_entity_to_group(self, entity, group): ''' Add entity to a group. If group does not exist, entity will be added as first member entity is of type Entity group is a string that is the name of the group ''' if entity in self._entities: if group in self._groups: self._groups[group].append(entity) else: self._groups[group] = [entity] else: raise UnmanagedEntityError(entity)
[docs] def deregister_entity_from_group(self, entity, group): ''' Removes entity from group ''' if entity in self._entities: if entity in self._groups[group]: self._groups[group].remove(entity) else: raise UnmanagedEntityError(entity)
[docs] def create_entity(self, tag=''): ''' Creates Entity (optionally) tag is a string that is the tag of the Entity. ''' return Entity(tag)
[docs] def remove_entity(self, entity, second=False): ''' Removes entity from world and kills entity ''' if entity in self._entities: if second: for group in self._groups.keys(): if entity in self._groups[group]: self.deregister_entity_from_group(entity, group) self._entities.remove(entity) else: entity.kill() else: raise UnmanagedEntityError(entity)
[docs] def remove_system(self, system): ''' Removes system from world and kills system ''' if system in self._systems: self._systems.remove(system) else: raise UnmanagedSystemError(system)
[docs] def get_entity_by_tag(self, tag): ''' Get entity by tag tag is a string that is the tag of the Entity. ''' matching_entities = list(filter(lambda entity: entity.get_tag() == tag, self._entities)) if matching_entities: return matching_entities[0] else: return None
[docs] def get_entities_by_components(self, *components): ''' Get entity by list of components All members of components must be of type Component ''' return list(filter(lambda entity: set(components) <= set(map(type, entity.get_components())), self._entities))
[docs] def get_entities(self): ''' Gets all entities ''' return self._entities
[docs] def get_group(self, group): ''' Gets a specific group group is the string of a Group ''' if group in self._groups: return self._groups[group] else: return []
[docs] def get_delta(self): ''' Returns delta ''' return self._delta
[docs] def set_delta(self, delta): ''' Sets delta ''' self._delta = delta
[docs] def process(self): ''' Processes entire world and all systems in it ''' for system in self._systems: system.process(self._delta)
[docs]class Entity(object): ''' Instances of Entity are unique IDs that hold Components. (optionally) tag is a string that refers to the entity ''' def __init__(self, tag=''): self._tag = tag self._uuid = uuid1().int self._components = list() self._world = None
[docs] def check_alive(function): def check_and_call(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Checks if alive before doing something ''' if self._uuid: return function(self, *args, **kwargs) else: raise DeadEntityError() return check_and_call
[docs] def set_world(self, world): ''' Sets the world an entity belongs to. Checks for tag conflicts before adding. ''' if world.get_entity_by_tag(self._tag) and self._tag != '': raise NonUniqueTagError(self._tag) else: self._world = world world.add_entity(self, True)
[docs] def get_uuid(self): ''' Returns uuid ''' return self._uuid
[docs] def get_tag(self): ''' Returns tag ''' return self._tag
[docs] def set_tag(self, tag): ''' Sets the tag. If the Entity belongs to the world it will check for tag conflicts. ''' if self._world: if self._world.get_entity_by_tag(tag): raise NonUniqueTagError(tag) self._tag = tag
[docs] def kill(self): '''Kills Entity''' if self._world: self._world.remove_entity(self, True) self._world = None self._tag = None self._uuid = None self._components = None
[docs] def add_component(self, component): ''' Adds a Component to an Entity ''' if component not in self._components: self._components.append(component) else: # Replace Component self._components[self._components.index(component)] = component
[docs] def get_component(self, component_type): ''' Gets component of component_type or returns None ''' matching_components = list(filter(lambda component: isinstance(component, component_type), self._components)) if matching_components: return matching_components[0] else: return None
[docs] def get_components(self): ''' Returns all components ''' return self._components
def __str__(self): return 'Entity {0}'.format(self.__class__) def __repr__(self): return '{0} {1}'.format(self.__class__, self._uuid) def __eq__(self, other): return self.get_uuid() == other.get_uuid() def __ne__(self, other): return self.get_uuid() != other.get_uuid() def __hash__(self): return int(md5(self.__repr__()).hexdigest(), 16)
[docs]class Component(object): def __str__(self): return 'Component {0}'.format(self.__class__) def __repr__(self): return '{0}'.format(self.__class__) def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) == type(other) def __ne__(self, other): return type(self) != type(other) def __hash__(self): return int(md5(self.__repr__()).hexdigest(), 16)
[docs]class System(object): __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] def set_world(self, world): ''' Sets the world this system belongs to ''' = world
[docs] def process(self, delta): '''Update the system'''
def __str__(self): return 'System {0}'.format(self.__class__) def __repr__(self): return '{0}'.format(self.__class__) def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) == type(other) def __ne__(self, other): return type(self) == type(other) def __hash__(self): return int(md5(self.__repr__()).hexdigest(), 16)